Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Mark Zuckerberg Blak-blakan Singgung Kecepatan Akses Internet Indonesia

Mark Zuckerberg Blak-blakan Singgung Kecepatan Akses Internet Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia : 
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Pendiri Facebook Mark Zuckerberg blak-blakan saat disinggung kualitas dan kecepatan internet di Indonesia. Meski tak menyebut langsung internet di Indonesia lemot, tapi dia lebih suka menyebut performanya masih kalah jauh dibanding negara-negara lain.
”Harus ada strategi agar internet di Indonesia bisa lebih baik lagi. Saya optimistis itu akan terwujud mengingat Indonesia punya sumber daya manusia yang memadai,” katanya dalam sesi tanya jawab bersama media yang diikuti Tribunnews.com di Hotel Four Seasons, Senin (13/10/2014).
Secara umum, Zuckerberg menilai kualitas internet di Indonesia cukup memadai. Dia membuktikan ucapannya lewat pengalaman meng-upload foto saat berkunjung ke Candi Borobudur, Jawa Tengah. ”Saat liburan ke Candi Borobudur, saya bisa berbagi foto dengan orang lain di Facebook. Ini bukti kualitas internet di Indonesia cukup baik,” paparnya.
Bila mengacu data Akamai Technologies Inc,  kecepatan akses di Indonesia terbilang lemot dengan besaran 2,5 Mbps. Angka ini jelas kalah jauh dibanding Malaysia dan Singapura. Ironisnya, pengguna internet di Indonesia adalah terbesar di dunia.
Kondisi inilah yang menjadi alasan Mark datang ke Jakarta. Dia bertandang dalam rangka Internet.org Asia Tour. Sebelumnya, Zuckerberg telah lebih dulu mampir di India.
Internet.org berfokus memperluas kesempatan akses internet bagi semua orang melalui efisiensi penggunaan data dan jaringan.

Bahasa Inggris : 
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg bluntly alluded to when the quality and speed of the Internet in Indonesia. Although no direct mention slow Internet in Indonesia, but he preferred to call the performance is still far less than other countries.

"There must be a strategy for the Internet in Indonesia could be better. I am optimistic that it will happen because Indonesia has adequate human resources, "he said in a question and answer session with the media that followed Tribunnews.com at the Four Seasons Hotel on Monday (10/13/2014).

In general, Zuckerberg assess the quality of the Internet in Indonesia is quite adequate. He proved his words through experience uploading a photo during a visit to Borobudur, Central Java. "When the holidays Borobudur temple, I was able to share photos with others on Facebook. This is proof of the quality of the Internet in Indonesia is quite good, "he said.

When referring to the data Akamai Technologies Inc., the access speed is fairly slow in Indonesia with a magnitude of 2.5 Mbps. This figure is obviously far less than Malaysia and Singapore. Ironically, the Internet users in Indonesia is the world's largest.

This condition is the reason for Mark to come to Jakarta. He come in order Internet.org Asia Tour. Previously, Zuckerberg had already stopped at India.

Internet.org focuses expand opportunities for all people with internet access through the use of data and network efficiency.

Sumber : tribunnews.com


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